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Buying with Affirm is easy!

Quick and easy

Checkout is simple with Affirm. Just enter a few pieces of information for a real-time decision.

You're in control

Pick a loan that fits your budget. You'll make real progress every month, and at the end of your loan, you're free and clear. 


Just select Financing with Affirm at checkout 

How does Affirm work?

  • Drone-Works has partnered with Affirm to give you a simple way to make your purchase with no hidden fees.

  • Easy monthly payments: Provide some basic information and get a real-time credit decision to split your purchase into monthly payments. Rates from 10% to 36% APR with loans of 3, 6, or 12 month terms. For example, on a $700 purchase, you may pay $64 per month for 12 months with a 15% APR.

  • Flexible repayment: Simply pay your monthly bill using a debit card, bank transfer at

  • Disclosure: Your rate will be 10-36% APR based on credit, and is subject to an eligibility check. Payment options through Affirm are provided by these lending partners: Options depend on your purchase amount, and a down payment may be required. 

  • Disclosure: If one or more items in your order has an extended ship date, your loan payment(s), including interest, may be due before the merchant ships all of the items. Please note that you may not receive a rebate of any interest that may have already accrued on an amount that later gets refunded.